My writing goals

I think that I've come a long way from when I began 'blogging' and I'm incredibly happy that such has happened. From what i hear, in AP English 3 (which is the class I'll hopefully be taking next school year) we focus more on our writing skills rather than reading things like the works of Shakespeare. I have to say that I'm pretty glad about that since I don't want to read 'boring' material that everyone has read, I want to do reading like we've done in Sutherland's class. I'm getting off-topic though, i believe that my writing has matured a lot since when I began and I have even more goals for the future.
    The first one would be to write more often and in larger portions, I don't want to feel limited by a word count or feel crushed by the pressures of writing as much as I'm told, I want to be able to write everything that I feel about a specific topic and then have enough, if not more, on the document to use on my blog. Sometimes I do feel crushed by expectations of my teachers as well as my peers; when I see someone that has done more work than me, I switch between envy, loathing, hate, and many more unfavorable emotions. Thus is where my 'need to overachieve' comes from. I think I will work to any extent I have to as long as the payoff is amazing; a lot of people feel that way! If I have to slave all day on a painting but I know that the painting will be 100% badass if I finish then of course I'll work as long as I must. I want to feel that way, more so, with my blogging; only I want it to come naturally. I suppose my writing goal for this year is to be able to write essay-length blog posts even though I know that there's little to no payoff. After all, only a small number of people read my blog.   
    I also want to have more variety in my blog posts, a trait that they're slowly gaining post after post. (Oh my god. I'm so fucking annoyed right now. The people sitting next to me don't know how to shut the fuck up and work on what they're supposed to be working on. I took a peek at their screens; one is on a blog site, so that's awesome. the most annoying one is spewing bullshit about a quiz he's taking, I hope it's providing some kind of intellectual entertainment for him. Sigh. Sutherland I feel so bad for you, how do you cope with such high levels of immaturity in one day? Most of the people in your class disrespect you left and right, barely being able to contain themselves when it comes to chatting with a neighbor. Do they think that class is just relax time? i mean I know school should be fun but it's also a place to learn and I don't see very many people learning here. I'm obviously not the only one who feels this way right? I mean when I look around I see people typing with the same amount of vigor as they should be typing with. However, even as I'm typing, the noise level seems to go up and up and up... Is this because you're not in the room? okay. I'm done ranting.) I want to be able to talk about things that effect me without being prompted to write about them. It's more of a wish to be able to do more 'freestyle' writing. (I take it back, it's the test that the boy is taking is a test pertaining to alcohol consumption.) I know that I should focus more on writing to a prompt, because that's what a majority of my assignments in school will be, but I can already do that pretty easily. It's when I have to write about my own thing that I get stuck, so working on that would be better for me.
    Ah well, those are my goals for now, I'm  cutting back on them so I don't 'overwhelm' myself with things that I must do.
Wow 716 words! I think one of my goals is already blooming!

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