[FREE] An Introduction

Well, I got home from school today and did my second "new" blog post and was getting ready to do my third when it struck me; I have no idea what to write about. So I suppose I'll just do an introduction of myself, and maybe some shameless self-advertising. You never know.

So first things first, my name is Brigitte and I'm a 16 year old senior that goes to Alameda High School. This blog is probably just for my English assignments, but maybe I'll post some misc. things here too. I do have another blog, but it's on a different site called Tumblr. I don't really put up essays there, but I do post a large amount of my digital art. You see I'm really big on digital art and painting, ever since I was little I wanted to be an artist. As I grew up though, I slowly refined the goal to a career in conceptual art for video games and movies. If you don't really know what I'm talking about, you can see examples of some concept art:
Here (Up)
Here (Spirited Away)
and Here (Psychonauts)
I've just always loved seeing things like this, in person or online. I love being a 'behind the scenes' worker, mostly because I have crippling stage fright, but also because I want to be able to watch a movie or play a game and know that I helped make it possible. Even if only in a small way.

I was going to go on about other things that are interesting about me, but aside from the whole art thing I'm pretty average. I've never been involved in a tragedy, I don't really do anything exciting outside of school... or inside for that matter. I'm a pretty boring kid. But ah well, I see that as a good thing. I'd much rather be boring old Brigitte than be exciting and not myself.

Oh right, if you'd like to see some of my art, I post a lot on my Tumblr. Be warned though sometimes it gets pretty bad in there.

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Charlie said...

So happy to have you in class again. And can't wait to see where your thoughts and words are going to wander to this year.

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