[CE] No More Trees on Park Street?

WELL this counts as Current Events, though I can't draw from a specific article. Don't know if anyone has noticed (which they should have) but a few days ago all of the trees from a section of Park Street were cut down. The reasons? Well it's rumored that they were cut down because it blocks the view of traffic. Which still doesn't really justify it for me. I mean I loved those trees, it just made the street look nicer and fresher, and it made me sick to see them cut down.

It's one thing to cut down a tree because it's old and weary and a danger, it's another to cut it down because it'd make seeing the street easier. Are they going to replant trees? Well probably, but they're going to be small, so they wont block the street again, and they're definitely not going to have grown to their full potential while I'm here. I just get so angry when I think about how we grab nature by the throat and do whatever we want with it. Views not good? ah well just chop the damn thing down, it's not going to effect anyone right?

Another thing was a story my friend actually told me. She said she was walking on the newly-cleared section and heard some teenagers talking. They said something along the lines of "why does it seem so clear now? Oh I think it's because they took the flags down. Yeah that's it." SERIOUSLY? I mean wow to think that people aren't even aware of their own neighborhood just makes me so angry! It's like they don't even care when people change the things around them, this is why they do it! Because to the people chopping the trees down, there's no after-affects. They can do whatever they want with no consequences.

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