[RE] Tolerance

I was actually thinking about religious equality and freedom the other day, so I got pretty excited when I saw that a friend of mine, Brianna R. , spoke about it on her blog.

how someone could do be so against another culture is beyond my thinking, especially in our small island.”

Now I’ve kind of come across the same mindset, you know the ‘how could someone this bad be living on our island.’ It’s almost horrifying to think that we live amongst people who are so intolerant and stupid. Alas though, we do, and it’s nearly impossible to do a thing about it. I know people are going to disagree with me, but things like discrimination against race, sexuality, and religion aren’t ever just going to go away overnight. They may become more of a social rarity, but you can’t just close your eyes and wait for it to stop. Wherever there’s something that exists in the world, there’s going to be someone who hates it. The reason it’s so hard to eradicate is because we as a society MAKE it hard to eradicate. We don’t move a finger unless there was a vote and a ⅔ or some majority wins in the favor of, well, the more just side. Just look at the proposition against gay marriage. It got voted NO on, in our state, which is stereotypically supposed to be the most sexuality-tolerant state out there. Even things that are frowned upon in most societies (like anti-semitism or racism) still EXIST. There are still anti-semitic people just like there are still racist people. Just because you don’t want something there doesn’t mean it will just go away in a flash.

Back to what Brianna was talking about, I do think that it was a horrid thing that someone did to such a sacred place. My point in this whole response though is that by now it’s almost... how do i say it.. underwhelming. It’s like something I expect to see. Which DON’T GET ME WRONG is awful, and I shouldn’t expect that kind of thing, but it’s happened so often that now I do, and I feel like it should be changed. I don’t know how, and I don’t know when or how fast it should be done. I just think people should go out of there way to talk about why tolerance is good. If you hear someone use a slur or say something ignorant then don’t be a little bitch, call them on it! Someone says it’s weird to be gay, call them on it! Don’t just shuffle your feet and blow hot air, do something about it. If it fails? So what, one more person in the world dislikes you. Big deal.

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Grace B. said...

Oh, Brigitte. Your boldness is very inspiring, but not everyone is brave enough to call someone out.

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