[FREE] A Good Person or a Common One?

So today I realized that people don’t know how careless they are, with so many things. It’s like people forgot that everything they do will have an effect and that effect can be good or bad, people just only think about themselves.

It happened at the food fair today. It was near the end of food fair and I’m pretty sure the bell had already rung, so people were filing out naturally. One guy, I know his name but I’ll leave it out, knocked a trash can over. It did spill, a lot, and to my surprise they just kind of looked at it and continued going. I couldn’t resist and I yelled something like “no no no, I saw you knock that down, pick it up.”  He kind of gave ma this skeptical look, like ‘are you serious?’, but he did pick up the trash can. I was happy for a second, at least he did the deed, but then he just stood up and left very hastily. Leaving this huge pile of trash on the grass. I was kind of dumbfounded? Like who just leaves such a huge pile of trash on the ground when THEY’RE the reason that all that trash got spilled in the first place. It wasn’t entirely gross food trash either, it was mostly big boxes and plastic containers. I ended up picking it up, chalking it up to my love for good karma. I think that cleaning up trash should be nearly instinctual though! It should be common to clean up a mess you’ve created. I mean it’s one thing to leave a piece of paper you see on the sidewalk, but it’s a different story to drop a box of trash and continue walking. When I told the story in my art class, I actually found that other people said they’d have left the trash too! It just shocks me that people never think that no matter what they do, someone else is going to have to pick up that trash if they don’t. Imagine the job that person has! It’s probably going to be some poor janitor that barely makes money anyway. Why not make their job easier? Imagine if that was YOUR job, you’d see someone knock over a trash can and leave it and you’d probably be a lot angrier than you think.

It doesn’t only come down to people leaving trash lying around though, sometimes it can have to do with life or death situations! Me and a friend were in San Fransisco, shopping for clothes and things. She spotted a homeless man wearing a black hood. Now this man was obviously out of sorts, he was walking almost like a zombie and wasn’t really looking anywhere in specific. My friend noticed that he was actually bleeding from the neck, and some of the blood was on his clothes too. We reported it to a nearby policeman, who helped the guy out. After a while though I began to think that this homeless man must have been walking around for quite a long time before we reported his condition. just.. GFUDHKSL how does someone see that and keep walking?? Who sees someone with an injury like that and thinks ‘it’s none of my business’. There’s no excuse. What possible BAD consequences could it have? If the guy wasn’t hurt then whatever! You were still a decent person for reporting that he SEEMED like he was hurt. There’s no punishment if you’re wrong. I didn’t look into it, but another friend in my Art class told me that there was a story of a girl dying because she got hit by a car and was just lying there and no one reported it or called the police or anything. I just can’t believe it. It makes me angry to my very core.

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