
--Moderate warning: This game is graphic. Really, really graphic. That's why it's rated M. Duh--

The first game that I'll be reviewing is a game for the ps3 and the XBOX360, it's titled [Prototype].

NOTE: I do own this game for 360 but it is broken, so I have not completed it; I do, however, have a good enough grip on it to review it.


Prototype's plot is actually part of the game itself, so as you continue through the game you learn why everything is the way it is. I'll try my best to explain the general Idea of it. As far as I can tell, New york is being infected by some type of deadly bacteria. It started in a very small area and seemed to be spreading very quickly. The area was completely quarantined and as you walk through the city, you realize that certain parts of the city are infected and the others are perfectly normal -Que my first issue with this game. I honestly expected more panic from the people outside of the quarantined area, I mean they must know SOMETHING. It's pretty difficult to keep a zombie-like infection under wraps without anything getting out at all. Especially since this takes place modern day. However it is pretty unique, instead of only living things becoming 'infected', the virus takes over buildings and cars and streets too; making them into a living type of 'hive' for the virus.

The character you play as is named Alex Mercer -who is voiced by Barry Pepper, the actor that played Daniel Jackson in Saving Private Ryan- as he wakes up on a hospital bed. Unfortunately when he wakes up, he doesn't remember anything but his name. As the game progresses, it skips around from the present-day to his memories as he tells his story to a mysterious person. Throughout the game you get small chunks of information by 'absorbing' people. (which is a generous term for killing them pretty brutally)

Game play:

The game play in [Prototype] is its real strong point, the motions are fluid and fun and the brutality and blood just makes it an enjoyable game. While running through the chaotic city of Manhattan, you can switch to parkour mode and leap from roof to roof or climb over cars as though it's second nature. Your jumps are higher, you can fall from any height without taking any damage and as you continue you master many multiple attacks that get stronger and stronger. However, the almost endless amount of achievable techniques works with as well as against the game play. When you begin to learn all of these different moves, the button combinations become cluttered and less accessible than just pressing a button. For example pressing two buttons that are uncomfortably far apart becomes difficult and you'll lose a good percentage of your life just trying to use it.

-- word count is getting long so the second part will come later--

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