Purpose and Introduction.

As a default, I should explain the reasons for this blog's creation. While the school year turns its wheel and treds on, the time for choosing a carreer thins. Since I have a passion for hame design and 'gaming' that goes beyond a hobby, I plan on persuing it as a full time carreer; this blog is a perfect practice for such a choice.

Technology is improving more and more, and the rate at which it improves gets higher every year. The second you turn your back, a newer and more polished game (or game console/system) comes out. The possibilities are endless when it comes to game concepts so naturally ideas flourish wildly. Now for a pretty long time I've enjoyed reviewing said games; back in middle school I really got into it, playing them instead of doing my homework and thinking about them instead of listening to my parent's lectures. I can't say that this did much for me in an external sense but I was really 'climbing' the steps internally. I've always felt that if I did game reviews and added my own little 'flair' in everything I wrote, then I might get some where.

Now a lot of people wonder why I really got into gaming myself; I have to say that the explanation Isn't as detailed as a lot of artists and game designers make it. I started drawing and playing games because it's enjoyable and relieving to do. I started drawing when I was really little, probably around pre-school. Me and one of my closest friends(and inspirations) always drew whenever we could. Ever since then I've been drawing in my spare time for fun and to practice and, possibly, make some money in the process. Gaming is a little bit of a different story, I got into video games because of my cousin Elliot; sadly he's passed on but he helped me find the first games that I had ever played (things like Mario and Zelda; old school). As I aged, I got more and more into it; I bought a lot more games and played them a lot more than I should have. As of now it's an addiction; I play whenever I get the chance and have to tear myself away to do things like work and school (you know, boring stuff.) I'm only now learning how to balance out my schedule so that I don't completely ruin my chances of getting into a good collage.

The last REAL reason I'm making this blog is for the feedback. I love it. I love hearing other opinions and having people comment on how I view a certain subject. If you never get feedback then the things you write will sound biased and I don't really want that to happen (although it's almost inevitable). Either way I like getting different perspectives from other people, even If I don't personally know them. I'm a very open-minded person so no matter what someone tells me i'll probably take their view into account and sit on it before I make a real judgement; even after I make said judgement i'll keep that specific view in mind.

Well that's about all I can say about this blog; as for details I'm going to be updating once or twice a week and each week I should have a new game review up and ready. If anyone ever has suggestions then I'm ready and open for them and I'l give an honest effort to review them.

PS. I'm human, I make typos. I'll try as hard as I can to get rid of them but it's like death and taxes, there's just no way around it.

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