I'm in high school now and, as though I would love to completely deny all accusations of my indecisiveness, I don't honestly know what solid career I may want to pursue. Is it really something that I should worry about at the moment, however? Today it really hit me hard, my mom started talking with me about colleges and what majors and everything complicated like that. I honestly don't know, I really want to be something in the designing industry (like concept designs and things, no fashion designing please) and I also have a very huge passion for music, but I don't know what to do solidly. I personally, in fact, don't understand why I have to chose NOW; sure I'm all for being prepared early in life but all these thoughts and questions seem more like scare tactics than anything. I mean, we're all still just kids! We all have dreams, some more realistic than others, and right now in our lives we just want to... well live. We don't want to stand around worrying about the future; all adults talk about is how they wished they were a kid again, I don't want to live in the past or future. I want to live in the present.

The real choice I think I should start deciding on is definitely a general IDEA on a career. I mean of course I can't say with 100% courage that I will have a specific career, but I can't even fathom what kind of career to take into mind. Of course my passion for art of all kind compels me, gaming and music primarily, so I tent to lean on the artistic side. I want to have a career that won't feel like a career. I remember an old motto that everyone knows 'If you love your job then you'll never work a day in your life.' I have to say I wish I could think of a career that would be like that, but even with all the privileges in the world I can't think of someone who's THAT happy with the path they chose. 

The last thing I wanted to mention was change, not change as in money or change as in changing the world but.... once we're a certain way is there really NO possibility of turning back and starting things over? My parents constantly tell me that no matter what the mistake, there's always a way to begin again with a fresh start; and although I would love to take this to heart and believe in it completely, I can't say I agree all the way. I mean think of people who have made grave mistakes in their pasts, I won't say any names or anything but what about people who do extremely grave things? Things like murder, large-scale robbery, drug addiction, things like those; would there be a way to start out when you've been reduced to such? Talking with a less severe tone, what if the career choice you made wasn't the best; would you be able to take a step back and try to fix your errors? 

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