SO, an update I suppose?

This blog post is half of an update and half of me venting about dumb things. Like complaining versus bragging; both are so annoying but the decision of which is more annoying it an ever-pressing question floating in my head.

First of all I'll do the 'update' portion of this post. So Halloween is coming up *que spooky music an a bad ghostly-voice over* and I've taken my share of looking through various costumes and what not. I'm going to be a Ghostbuster myself, but I've noticed that the true intention of Halloween is so skewed now that it's laughable. Wasn't Halloween originally intended to ward away evil demons or something? Well with the costumes that I've seen people wearing it seems more like we're inviting the spirits here; what I intend with this is what is UP with all of the slutty costumes that they have for women? For one, I've never met a single woman who looked the way that the models look in those skimpy outfits; second off, uhhh yeah those costumes are really only scary in the slightest when a large girl (or a man) is wearing them.

Now for portion numero dos of my little blog post. That almost rhymed(not really). Ahem. So I was listening to one of my friends whine endlessly the other day and, rather than continue listening to her antics, I began to ponder really how annoying it was getting in comparison to the screeching sounds of someone showing off. In my personal opinion, showing off is far worse than complaining; maybe it's because I complain more than I show off? I'm not too sure myself. Complaining just seems more... casual. Showing off is annoying because when people show off it's like they're TRYING to make someone ELSE feel bad. Such as someone showing off about something they did and saying something like 'you could NEVER do something as well as I did!" and on and on and on until you pretty much want to claw their eyes out. It's ESPECIALLY annoying if they're showing off about something that they're bad at. Complaining can get annoying if it's about really minuscule things like a slightly bad grade or a boy not liking them or... just something dumb like that. When someone complains about something stupid like that to ME, however, I pretty much say 'yeah. sucks' and it's over and done with.

But what do YOU think? Which is more annoying? People who complain too much or people who brag too much?

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