New Purpose Statement

So this keyboard is trying to kill my fingers with how difficult it is to press the keys down (seriously it's like somf type of finger-excercise machine) So I apologize in advance for any typos.
I, in all seriousness, can't say that I ended up writing about what I had intentionally planned. I started out wanting to write solely on the subject of video games/gaming in general and ended up on writing more on what I felt I should write about. However, I actually enjoy writing about said topics now and believe that I'll continue.

So I've decided to establish a new goal for myself, one that is a lot more simple than it had previously been. My goal is pretty much just to write more; just that. I usually enjoy writing every now and again but I want to be able to write without waiting until the very last second. My previous blogs were mostly done later on in the week with the rare few that were done on schedule; I think on one I had even waited until the last hour or something along those lines. I also want to write about more... serious topics rather than funny ones, although that does put a bit of a bar on the things that I normally write about.

  • What impressions do you get of the writing you've done so far?

I like the writing I've done so far; it's simple, easy, and I often enjoy working on it. Although what I generally write about varies depending on that mood I'm in or how my week has gone. Most of it has something to do with a recent event (such as my blogs about my family or about some of the other things) and all of it has something to do with my life and how it's been panning out so far.

I might edit this because there are probably like 8,000,000,000,001 typos :/

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