
Okay, now I know a lot of people have dawdled on this topic at least once in some form. I mean, it's not rare or anything; in fact, I'd consider you an absolute liar if you told me that you've never done it. For me however, it's almost like a curse. I'm actually doing it right this second, I chose to write a new blog post which is due on Friday rather than do some of the history homework that's due tomorrow. I also have two book reports that need doing (I haven't even finished either book) and everything is just piling up. Speaking in all honesty though, I would rather do anything than sit down and work; I would rather sit in a closet filled to the brim with disgusting bugs and stare at the wall than study for an hour. I just always seem to find a decent excuse and, if it's possible for me to procrastinate at all then I will.

What does that mean? Well it means that I will actually put off an assignment until the last second as long as I'm sure that I can finish it and get an average grade (which is a B in my case). Whenever I'm watching something on the computer these thoughts usually go through my head:
'Huh, I'll just watch some Nostalgia critic and then I'll finish the notes...'
*watches video*
'Haha alright notes! Oh wait hey France is on, I wonder if he's doing as much not-work as I am...'
*chats with various people*
'OKAY. WORK.... but I can't just leave them, I'll double task!'
*does some work at a painfully slow rate while stopping every 10 seconds to reply*
'God this is boring.. You know I have two classes before history, I'll do this during art.'
*gives up and does something more exciting*

That's pretty much how my head works, it's almost as though my head is programmed NOT to do what I want it to. Most of the time I literally have to force myself to work by shutting my computer, turning off my music, closing my ds, turning off my phone and sitting in the living room where nothing in my own room will tempt me; even then I get distracted sometimes! I don't even think it's work in general, just school work. I would much prefer cleaning my room rather that writing some cornell notes on Christianity.

That's why I like when teachers give enjoyable assignments though! I don't want to be assigned some crap to do when it's about a subject that I don't even care about. Take history for example (can you tell that I really dislike history?), if we were working on something even remotely more interesting than religions and how they came about then my work average would be much higher. In the first quarter of that class I did awesome! I got an A+ even (which is a first for me :D ) and it was because I actually liked the assignments (plus a load of extra credit). Now, however, it's much more than dulled down and everything seems like it's dragged on for an eternity.

So please, any teacher that might be reading this, hand out some more awesome assignments rather than the normal 'by the book' things. :/

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