
Pressure is something that always worms its way into people. Weather it's at work or at school or even at home, it's an ever present threat that can always turn the strongest of people into the weakest of people.

One case, my finest example, is in my Judo class. Now as a brief description, Judo is a sport that you can take at school rather than boring P.E. . It is a combination of the two martial art techniques of Jujitsu and Tai-Kwon-doh. I took judo because I thought it would be much more useful to me than regular PE, and so far it has been. Judo teaches me a lot about self-defense and respect as well as some handy throws and pressure points. The only thing that I resent about Judo, however, is the pressure. Judo is a fairly small class (although it expanded with the addition of pacers in PE) so when you're doing something, almost everyone is watching you.
Now, in Judo, we start out every day with a warm-up and then rolls which tend to be people's least favorite part. During rolls we do various frontrolls and backrolls one by one in three lines. The pressure of getting them right is ALWAYS there and it makes everyone nervous unless they're confident in their abilities. The same goes during a one-on-one match (in which EVERYONE'S attention is on you). The pressure is what kills me the most.

The same goes for almost anything although I think the worst one would be grades. Every kid who goes to school is pressured by grades no matter what. By their teachers or their parents or even their friends. When you have good grades you're good to go, when they start to slip is when people start to worry. I've found that most of the time it's because of parents who only expect the best from their children, mine included. If I get bad grades, I get things taken away from me; things like that are pretty much common knowledge now.

Bad grades=punishment.

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