
So the progression of our time finally got to me this week, all thanks to my french teacher. She isn't really... OLD persay, but she is older than most of the teachers at this school; even so, it was surprising to realize how far we've come. It all started with us typing up our biographies about famous artists (I have Edouard Manet) and my friend asked for the teacher to look over her rough draft (typed.) She came over and read it, giving a few suggestions here and there and then she noticed something and asked the class "class, how many spaces do we put after punctuation?" Naturally, we all said 'one', I mean that's how we were raised. She then proceeded to inform us that we were wrong and that it was TWO spaces after punctuation.
Well... that's not right is it? No one does that anymore, I haven't been told to put two spaces after punctuation since elementary school, and then we didn't even know how to type. We all immediately complained, no one did that anymore and NONE of us wanted to go through what we had written and add a single space after every period and comma. Seriously though, it's the new age, why should we be following 10 year old rules that our teachers know? If the modern world puts a single space after punctuation then we should too.
This made me think a lot about how things have changed though, in fact I watched a video about it. The video (found here) tells a whole bunch of statistics about how the world has changed; some of the statistics include how rapidly the internet's popularity is rising. The internet isn't the only thing though, schools and technology in general have gone through huge revolutions. My history teacher briefly said something about the life expectancy skyrocketing since the 1800s and such. I personally think that this drastic change is a good thing. I mean this revolution was bound to happen at some point so why not sooner rather than later?
Another topic that we went over in my history class was the argument about globalization. I guess my argument about the technological revolution ties in with this one; I believe that the world is going to communicate with each other commonly eventually, so we might as well embrace it. The one thing that people seem to be getting pissed off about is the fact that other countries are taking our jobs away from us for cheaper prices. Well I think that if someone from another country can do the same amount of work for less pay, then he/she deserves that job. I also think that if we don't have some competition then there won't be anything to strive for! If I was the smartest person in the whole world and NO ONE knew more than me then I would be so content that I wouldn't want to learn any more. I mean why would I? There's nothing else to learn! However, the second someone knows more than me, then I have a new goal and can progress.

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