Lit Circle Letter #3

hn So? Did you guys love it? Did you love that magnificent twist at the end? I sure as hell did. I mean I actually wasn't expecting it at all, I actually had to re-read that whole section of the book to really understand what was going on before coming to the realization that I assume Dave went through. I mean just imagine how he must have felt, he was in borderline hysterics! I think even in an earlier chapter he said that if he had opened the door any earlier than he really DID then he would have shot himself in the head. In fact this is going to be one of my questions and i expect you all to ANSWER IT
What would you have done if you were john? I don't mean throughout the whole story, I mean when he found the body in the closet and looked at its feet.
I think I really would have just killed myself; I mean what a mindfuck! To come to the realization that all of your thoughts and what you did was a fabrication, that you were a re-creation of the real you, is just... wow I can't even describe it. I'm really glad that everything turns out okay though; he's still 'himself', or well he has the same thoughts and memories, and he's still friends with John from what I can tell. Really though, I wonder how he feels about it? If you re-read the book (like I know that I'm going to) you can actually tell what the twist is going to be. Naturally it's easier to tell because you KNOW the twist but still, it makes the book much more of an interesting read. One of the pointers is the missing time thing, when you find out that the creepy version of Amy isn't the real Amy then you can connect the dots because Dave suffers the same missing time thing.
I really REALLY like how David wrote this book, and I will never ever be able to stop talking about how balls to the wall awesome the style he uses is. The way he incorporates his emotions and how he uses a lot of his own style of humor is endlessly entertaining. He describes things in a way we can understand and makes it so that there's a nice even balance of humor along with creepy-ass shit. Excuse my language.
This was a fucking great book and I'm really excited for both the sequel and the movie.

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