A Good Movie

So, like last week, I've decided to make an opinion blog; this time however, it'll be movies instead of games! So movies are a bit tougher to review since it depends on what kind of movie you're talking about. In this case, I'll talk about everything to a general level so my opinions can apply to multiple things. The first thing a good movie should have is an interesting plot. Now even I've come to know that it's impossible for ANY movie to be original anymore. No matter what kind of movie you make it can most likely be related to another movie (a good example being Avatar which was often compared to Pocohontas.) A lot of people dislike movies that have very abstract plots (uhhmm... movies like Up and such) but I personally thing that an abstract plot is exactly what people need to see!. Or well, it's what I want to see more in movies. Up is one of my favorite movies and that's because of a lot of things but the most important of those things was that the plot was actually pretty original. I mean I've never seen another movie about a man who ties balloons to his house so he can fly it to a waterfall. 
Another thing all good movies should have are good actors. Time and time again I see movies ruined by flawed acting or actors that don't fit their roles. The upcoming movie, Avatar: The Last Airbender (not the other Avatar) looks like it's going to bomb in the box office because well... everyone is so miscast! The main villian, a boy named Zuko, is going to be played by the actor from Slumdog Millionaire (another really good movie.) Now the actor is good and the character he plays is good but them together? It just doesn't work. Another thing that movies do sometimes is they take things too far in terms of the mood that they're trying to set. Bringing Avatar The Last Airbender back in, it looks like the film is going to be WAAAAAY too serious; and the show that it's based on is a very funny and mellow show. It has it's intense fighting moments but a lot of the show is humor and such. 
I also like movies that know how to tug on our heart strings; you know, movies that make you cry during those sad moments. Now this might be my opinion but I think Disney has this shit in the bag. They're not scared to kill off a character to get us emotionally connected with the movie; in fact I think they kill someone in every movie they make! Referring back to Up WE DIDN'T EVEN REALLY KNOW THE CHARACTER! (spoiler) we know Ellie for what, the first 6 minutes of the movie? and the rest we se of her are a musical segmet of the film showing her and her husband getting older. However, when the scene of her death comes up I nearly cried! I actually did cry near the end of the film when the main character is looking through Ellie's photo album. 
Also a film should have a good soundtrack, Up won an award for best soundtrack I think.
As for BAD soundtracks, have you seen Shutter Island?

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