Protesting for a Righteous Cause

This week I thought I'd say a few things about the budget cuts, school, and protesting. So yesterday (March 4th) there was a fairly large protest against the cutting of funds that were going to schools in California. People came from all over and voiced all of their opinions on things that were going on. I, unfortunately, was unable to attend this protest (for multiple reasons, not just because I was scared of getting in trouble) but from what I heard it was an amazing gathering. Honestly I hate the budget cuts (who doesn't?) but I especially hate them because of the certain things that are being cut, things that don't make sense. For instance, if they have to cut, why cut things that children love? Things like sports and extra-curricular classes and such, they're the things we love the most! Without things like those then we're mindless zombies at school, walking in and out and filling our brains with un-meaningful information. Why don't they cut things that are unnecessary as well as things that children DON'T ENJOY.
An example of those things? Well STAR testing and the Exit Exams waste hundreds of millions of dollars and those tests don't really DO anything; admittedly the STAR test does a little more than the Exit exam. But seriously, I heard from my math teacher that you only need to get a 51% to pass the exit exam; that's an F! I also heard that the knowledge level for math isn't above Algebra 1, a subject that most students learn in 6th and 7th grade. From what I can tell, and this is just my assumption, the Exit Exam serves no purpose other than cutting down the amount of kids that graduate. Weather the ultimate goal is less over-crowding at the colleges or more money for the schools, I still believe my earlier statement. It doesn't do a very good job though does it? STAR tests are a different and more complicated subject. They are harder, but worth less somehow; the results you get on a STAR test effect the school and how much money the school should get. I suppose the worse the grade average is, the less money they get. (Although another thought comes up; what if the school doesn't have enough money to afford effective teaching equipment? Are they doomed? Will they eternally have the same low budget while their kids get the same low grades as a result?) Abolishing the STAR test overall does sound like an amazing idea, but I think that it should be just that. If students all just stop taking the tests, then what happens to our funds? I know that STAR tests suck, I hate them! I just don't think we should punish our little school by just not taking it. Sure one or two or even 40 kids not taking it won't change much; but if a whole school refused to take it, I imagine the consequences wouldn't be favorable.
Maybe I need to talk about it more though, a lot of the questions I wanted to ask mr. Sutherland I didn't get do because everyone had better questions. I care about our schools though, I care about the classes that are being cut and I care about the teachers that are being fired. My mother almost lost her job because of the budget cuts and what's her backup job? Becoming a P.E. teacher. I don't want to move back to Chicago, I really don't. I'm afraid that i'll have to if one of my parents loses their job though. Well this is over 500 words, so I guess i'll stop here.

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