Battle Royale Letter 3

    I actually really enjoyed how this book ended; I enjoyed it because it wasn't overly cliche and I wasn't really expecting it (I say that in a light sense because I did consider it as an ending.) The last parts of the book were the most intense as well; SPOILER Shuya, Shogo and Noriko made their way to a rendez vous point while also trying to avoid the only other survivor left. The personalities of these few characters has been so fleshed out throughout the book that you can't NOT be affected by the things that happen to them. With Shuya, one of the stronger points is when he's staying at the lighthouse with the girls after his tumble down a hill. When inside, he's completely oblivious to the girls in the other room who are talking kindly about how he's doing. There's one girl, however, who saw Shuya kill someone earlier in the book and wanted to poison him. On accident she poisoned another of the girls and one by one they were all killed by each other. It's kind of a hidden message though, it shows how people's personalities can completely flip under dire circumstances.
    As for the end of the book, I liked the ending. It was nice and left you with a good feeling but at the same time it wasn't TOO happy. It didn't smother you with its happiness. In fact, it's kind of a bittersweet ending. I don't want to give it away completely but I have to say that it almost brought me to tears. The book overall actually connected of what we're learning in history right now, that being the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. The story in Battle Royale took place in an AU (or Alternate Universe) in which China is now under a totalitarian government. The things that these children had to go through is sickening and very close to how things were under a dictator. I'm not saying that anything like THIS happened, but it wasn't a very easy society to live in. I digress though, i'll have to talk more about it in the final book review.

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