[CE] Drugs in Mexico

Sometimes, when you think of the drug industry, you don't generally think about people being gunned down in broad daylight or populations being driven away. However, Mexico tells a different story.

According to this video, Mexico is under some heavy fire (both literally and figuratively) because of the local heroine and marijuana wars. We're so close by, it's kind of weird to know that something so awful is happening to who are basically our next door neighbors. Innocent people are being murdered and, from what I can tell, it seems that the government and the police force are doing nothing. It's almost as if they don't want to admit it's even happening at all.

Now this is a common governmental stance, a 'laissez faire' if you will. On some occasions I'm willing to let that kind of viewpoint slide. However in this case I think some police interference is suggested if not vital to ridding Mexico of this violent problem. The woman in the video states that when members of her family were gunned down the local authorities were no where to be seen. To be frank I think people in this region of Mexico are hiding. They're hiding both from the fear of death and from the idea that they cannot be helped. In the video we also see that when they have no where else to go, the people of Mexico turn to church for sanctuary, which is not uncommon. Now I'm not religious and I mean no offense to religion when I say this, but wouldn't turning to a god for support seem more or less like a last resort? People have every right to be religious, but when it comes down to violence and crime, the blame should be put in the hands of officials and the police before it's put in the hands of a higher being.

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