[RE] Uniting?

So I was scrolling through google reader and, just for the heck of it, I searched for school. Well I hit the jackpot, and here's what I found in a blog post by Zac Alfers.

"The administration has gone power hungry. Im not sure who is to blame but it might just rhyme with Lelly Kara."

Now I don't know how to respond to this without sounding like a huge jerk but I have to disagree on a few points. FIRST I am going to state that yes, there have been changes at our school and yes, some of them have been worse than others. However there's a proper and an improper response to these changes. Alameda High isn't the most stable school, nor is it the best one. Honestly though, I feel as though it's worthless to complain. Now this is not to say that I think complaining itself is meaningless; by all means if you have opinions, express them. Start a riot. Do what you want. Just don't make an assumption that people are going to follow you into the flames. 

First things first, and I cannot begin to emphasize how GOOD our school is in comparison to quite a number of other schools. I hear students and teachers every day whining about how the classrooms are crowded and how hard it is to maintain a class of 35 but in my opinion it hasn't been something to throw a fit about. It's a bit too crowded for comfort in some classrooms but it's not like I'm cramped in some kind of closet. I still feel I have room to write, read, listen, and watch, and isn't that what the point of school is? 

Another thing that confused me about the blog post was the almost immediate blame put on our principal. This is the most typical thing ANYONE could say about ANY change made ANYWHERE. "Oh these changes would have never happened if ____ was still here." I hear it so often and it makes me want to scream. Just because the school is changing doesn't mean ms. Lara is standing on top of a podium with a whip ordering the staff to obey her commands. She came into the school during a tough period, and though I'm skeptical about some of her decisions, I'm not here to point fingers.

I don't quite know where I'm going on anymore, I think I'm just rambling. My point is that change is something unavoidable, just like death, spam, and taxes. It's something we need to take in and make the best of as opposed to pushing the blame on one person, when the last thing they probably need is blame. 

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Charlie said...

Ahem, cough cough. I am one of those teachers you mention who whines daily about class size. I try not to, but it does irk the hell outta me.

I'm with you on the scapegoating thing though (as I posted on Zac's blog). Blame is a waste of time!

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