[NEWS] A Ghost Town in China

You'd think that with a population of over 1 billion that China's houses would be filled with families. Apparently such is not the case.

This is kind of funny, clever, and sad. There are so many houses, and they're all empty. They're being used like gold, thought of as an investment as opposed to a home. Admittedly, that is a pretty smart idea. Why put your money into something that may become worthless (gold) or something that may crumble completely (a bank) when you can put your money into something you can trust.

However, it's kind of a bittersweet feeling seeing these houses. Personally, I'd love to live in a house like one of these. They look fancy and cozy, and I think the space is being wasted. There's no harm in letting ONE person live there, is there? Or maybe they have no one who needs a home, which is pretty fortunate.

I sure hope the investments that these people are putting into the houses are worthwhile though, because I know a multitude of people who would kill for a home as luxurious as one of these. It's almost surreal seeing a town this empty, it's like when you drive or walk through Alameda in the very early hours of the day. When no one is even on Park street. It almost turns into an entirely different place. I'm sure China has very populous cities, I wonder what it would be like to travel from a busy city in China to this small almost abandoned looking town.

I think the funniest part about all this is that they're still building homes for this town, as though there's not enough space already. What's the point?? It makes me wonder if they really do believe that one day it will be a very popular neighborhood, or if the realtors have other intentions.

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Charlie said...

Funny; I think of a ghost town as a place that USED TO have people. This one I might rename...umm...a "stillborn" town. Built all the way up before anybody even got there!?

Weird story. Contrast with Detroit...


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