A change in perspective

So, the other day I was thinking about some like MIND blowing things and one of them really got my interest. Have you ever wondered what the world looks like to other people? I don't mean this in a symbolic way, I mean literally do you think other people see other things? When it comes to the concept of sight, what everyone see is their own reality; maybe if you viewed the world through the eyes of someone else, it would seem more like a dream. Now of course there are colorblind people who only see specific things or people who are just plain blind and don't see anything at all, but what about people what have normal 20/20 vision? I think that when it comes to colors, everything is pretty similar; you can point to something and say 'this is blue right?' and people will agree with you (although maybe they see a different shade).

The thing that I was really tripping about, however, was people's appearance. What do we look like to other people and what do other people look like to us? My personal opinion is that everyone looks different depending on the viewer. I mean it's impossible to vividly describe what a person looks like so you would never be able to tell unless you could actually LOOK through someone's eyes. I suppose it'd be the same with pictures and drawings as well, it all depends on how you look at things.

It's pretty weird to think about but, in a way, it's actually a bit comforting. If someone calls you ugly than maybe that's the way they see you, maybe you look like the most beautiful thing on the face of the earth to someone else. In some ways, i guess it has to do with how you VIEW the person. If they're mean then you might see them as ugly, if they're nice you'll see them as pretty. It all depends on your perspective of the matter.

By the way I have 'All the Ducks Are Swimming in the Water' cemented firmly in my head and IT WON'T LEAVE.

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France said...

allllll the ducks are swimming in the wah-terrrr.

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