A Good Game

So earlier yesterday, I was chatting away with my friends about some bad and good movies that had come out lately. I suppose what I was saying must have been negative too because almost mid-way into the discussion, my friend asked me what I thought a good movie or game should include. At first I had to think about it, I'm pretty picky when it comes to media, but afterwards I came up with a pretty decent list.

So first I talked about what a good game should include. The most important thing a decent game should have is an easy to follow plot, you know the kind of plot you can explain in roughly 10 minutes without confusing your friends or family. This is why I'm not a big fan of the whole Final Fantasy genre. Their games have amazing graphics, which i'll get to later, but the plot is just all over the place most of the time. They did have a few easy-to-follow games, but a majority of them had very scattered plots. Think about the most popular games out there though; games like Mario, Zelda, Wii Sports, Super Smash Bros., games like those. Those games have the most basic plots that I can think of; fight the bad person, save the princess (or SSB's case it's just all out fighting) Wii sports doesn't even have a plot and it's the number one seller of all time, just above Super Mario Bros.
The second thing I brought up was graphics and, contrary to popular belief, I hate games that depend on graphics. I hate them with a burning passion with a fire more intense than 8 suns. It's the reason i don't have a ps3 (not to say that all ps3 games suck, MGS4 was good.) When you think about it in a wide spectrum though, graphics don't decide how good a game is at all. Going back to the most popular games, they're mostly pixelated! In my opinion the best game is Ocarina of Time, and that game's graphics are actually laughable. The most popular Final Fantasy is 7 and the graphics in that game are like a bunch of triangles and circles. You have to bring console sales in as well though, in order of highest selling to lowest selling the order is
Nintendo DS (DS lite, DSi) <-- it counts as a console >:(
Nintendo Wii
Xbox 360
Did you notice that the order of those console also pertains to the level of their graphics?
The ps3 is known for it's amazing graphics but, in my opinion, I think they rely on them too much; the games coming out solely on the ps3 are always lacking to me.
The last thing i'll talk about is gameplay, ergo the way you do things in the game or the game controls. This is where I run back to my original console games and cry a bit. I'll admit that I love some of the newer game styled (I don't like the fact that Twilight Princess is for the Wii.) A lot of the time console games rely on the standard A=jump B=attack or vise verse but there are a lot of new fighting styles in games. I guess, in my opinion, the best games are the ones with a 'realistic' battle system. By realistic I mean NOT TURN-BASED. I don't have enough words to describe my loathing for turn-base fighting games. Pokemon is like... the ONLY exception to said hate. Games like Final Fantasy just urk me though, I'm not sure. The fact that you have to take turns and wait for the enemy to attack before you can really pisses me off. I like sidescrollers (like Mario) and normal runner games (like everything else).
This paragraph is about some of the little added things that I like about games. For one I like when games have flexible but not annoying characters in them, characters you can almost relate to. That way you can be more drawn into the game. Voice acting is key as well, for example take a gander at the HORRIFIC voice acting in the English dubs of this Japanese game IT'S SO BLAND! It's almost as though they're trying to make it a horrible game! Another good thing in a game is having freedom to do things other than go along the main storyline. Like little games or extras that you can collect (like in the newer Zelda games). Alternate paths are a nice addition as well but not TOO many alternate paths (COUGHhardrainCOUGH.) With a wider variety of things to do, the game doesn't get boring as easily because you're not always doing the same things.
That's about it for this week, I'll post the movie half next time :)

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