The Rules of Love ~

    Well, in my opinion the rules of loves depends on the person in question. You see, everyone has their own set of rules and expectatios when it comes to something like dating. For most people, dating is a one at a time thing that goes in these steps:
    1. Hanging out, decision to go on an actual date.
    2. First date, getting to know each other.
    3. Decide if you're a 'couple' or not. KISS.
    4. Whatever comes after a lot of dating.
That's at least how I personally see it. In terms of rules being violated, I'm not entirely sure. I suppose for most people, violating the rules differs depending on severity. The most severe being uh... getting pregnant or something when you're still young. Sex is a common thing now, everyone who's anyone in a long-term relationship has done it. There's also the basic rules like don't cheat, don't lie, don't avoid your partner etc. Another thing having to do with sex and popularity is that a girl can only have a few partners before she's labeled a slut. When a girl dates a lot of guys then guys don't feel as 'special' when dating them. It's about the same vice verse but when a guy dates a lot of girls he's more respected than he is hated.
    Consequences? Well your relationship could be ruined and no one will want to date you in fear that they're just one of a series. When people date they want to feel loved and special to someone that isn't in their family. It's like the most extreme self-esteem booster to know that some guy likes you THAT much in comparison to long friends and family who are pretty much forced to like you, it shows that your personality isn't holding you back.
    As for rules about dating, people like to be nit-picky and make up their own little pet peeves. For instance, some people don't like bad breath so they don't date anyone with bad breath. Some people don't like annoying laughs so they don't date anyone with an annoying laugh, things like that. It depends on the person. I think people now are a lot more picky then they were back then though, I'm not sure why but it seems a lot harder to be in a relationship now. In the video showed during class things seemed so simple, people asked each other on dates like a day after they met. I also noticed that in the videos (and commonly) it was the boy who asked the girl on a date. Since when did this end? I liked it more, it seemed more gentlemanly. Nowadays it doesn't matter who asks who, in fact I think girls ask boys more often than boys ask girls! It's the same with proms and stuff, the boy is ALWAYS supposed to ask the girl (unless it's one of those dances where the girls ask the boys.) Now, however, I see an equal amount of girls asking boys to dances. Man it up men, take back your rightful place. We don't bite, nothing bad's gonna happen if you ask us out. The worst we could do is deny you and then afterward everything is peachy. We're not going to punch you and spread nasty rumors, what would we even make the rumors about? I dunno.
    That's actually the main problem people have, I read this statistic about what guys want to see in a girl and the #1 thing was for the girl to ask him out. WHY? WHY DON'T YOU ASK US OUT? If we live the rest of our lives too pussy to ask anything then nothing is going to happen, we're going to grow up alone and die alone because we were too scared to ask that 'special someone' out. I asked my family from Chicago and what they told me was interesting, they told me that there's not really any dating. It's just "will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend" and then "yes/no" and then whatever, i actually like the simplicity of it but isn't it weird being the girlfriend of someone you don't know very well? I'm unsure. Anyway this ended up a lot longer than what I wrote on the paper.

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