Unwind Letter 2

    SOO second lit circle letter for Unwind! Like I said in the previous letter, I read the whole book in one go so I made my own cut-off lines for these blog posts. So far in the book I think things have gotten better and better. The way everything fits and comes back together is just mind-blowing, I can't even comprehend how much thought went into every scene in the book. I'm especially surprised at just how smart these kids are; Lev, for example, is amazing when it comes to getting money. He shows exponential intelligence at bartering in this scene:

         He pulls open the door, and the second he does, he feels something hard and heavy connecting with his head. His thoughts are instantly scrambled. He loses consciousness before he hits the ground,
        The pawnbroker comes to sometime layer, with a headache and a faint memory that something had gone wrong. It takes a few seconds for him to pull himself togethre and realize exactly what happened. That little monster conned him! He got guns to open the safe, and the moment he did, he knocked him out and cleaned out the safe.
        Sure enough, the safe was open wide -- but it's not entirely empty. Inside is the bracelet, its gold and diamonds looking even brighter against the ugly gray steel of the empty safe? Fifteen hundred, tops. This bracelet is worth at least three times that. Still a deal -- and the kid knew it

    I don't know if I would have been that smart, I probably would have just taken the 500 and left with it. I would have been much to scared to actually hit someone over the head. Lev is one of my favorite characters simply because he's so... I don't know how to explain it, he's really tactful and always seems to know what to do and when to do it. In that way he relates a lot to Conner, I wish I could think on my feet like that.
    Another scene that made a big impact was the whole scene with CyFi, I can't exactly quote the whole thing but in the scene they dig up a whole treasure chest of stolen things. Cyfi seems to be entranced by the person who he got part of his brain from, and that person was apparently a kleptomaniac, always stealing whenever he could. I wonder what that would be like having part of someone else in your own mind. It gave me something to think about. Anyway, I would write more but I better get some sleep.

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