If you can believe it, this blog post actually started out with the title of 'Friendship', I was going to describe how I learned how much I like making friends. Thanks to some very current events though, I've decided to blog about how much people annoy the fuck out of me. Call me selfish and annoying, but these are the things that piss me off the most:
    1. Being Disrespectful.
I absolutely despise when people disrespect their superiors, I think it's the single most annoying thing that someone can ever do. I mean is it that hard to shut up for a little while? I admit sometimes I do it but I'm not a total jackass about it, sometimes I even do it subconsciously, I just can't understand why people obnoxiously talk over a teacher or dick around during class. This class is a perfect example of this pet peeve. We're in a computer lab, there's so much entertainment right in front of you; freedom to work or read or do pretty much anything and what do I see almost half the class doing? Playing Tetris, talking about things unrelated to class, hitting the computers, looking at bicycles on Google, et cetera. Really now. What the shit is wrong with these people? Now I'm not trying to be too general about this, not everyone in the class is jerking off, some people are doing legitimate work. Another thing, I really dislike when people play music aware of the fact that EVERYONE ELSE CAN HEAR IT. I understand if it's a bit loud and you don't notice it, but when it's to the point that you feel as though you're the one with the headphones on, it gets a bit tiring. Not everyone likes the same music you do.

    2. Complaining without justification.
I'm pretty precise about this one because I don't hate complaining in and of itself, i hate it when there's no reason for it. For example if someone has to do the dishes, they don't have the right to complain; if someone is having major relationship issues, they do have the right to complain. Do you see what I'm getting at? I used to have a friend that would complain nonstop to the point where I had no idea what to say to the complaints. I think I started ignoring her actually, and then she got really angry and said that I was a horrible friend. Well... what else was I supposed to say to her complaints? Half of what I said was the same thing repeated (usually something like 'it'll be fine')  I dunno, I do know that I don't like it. Another kind of complaining that I don't really like is when they complain, ask for your opinion, and then shut it down when you tell them; I guess they're just asking something like that purely for the satisfaction of getting an answer that they want, so when they get an answer that they don't want then they reject it all together. I'm actually complaining about complaining, how ironic.

    I actually think that's about it. How do you deal with it Sutherland? People being so annoying all the time during your class and blowing things off and talking all the time. I'd be hitting them upside the head every second. I don't know maybe my anger tolerance level is very low, in fact I'm sure that it is. It must be a lot of pressure though, to get so much from people as a teacher? Agh but I digress, I'm not sure how to finish off this blog post :/ Goodbye?

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