[CE] Killing Creativity?

I'm writing a majority of this in class, so pardon me if I can't draw exact quotes from the video itself. I think I've seen it enough to remember what it talks about though. The video overlays how education is killing our human creativity. I completely agree with this, and I believe it's had an effect on me as well.

If you think about it, when we were kids were were 'balls to the walls' crazy. We recall thinking outlandish things like, for example, when I was younger I thought the sky was painted on and rotated around every day. I also thought that those large metal structures that are near the bridge were guardians that protected us. When I grew up though, it was like I couldn't even think about those as possibilities. Some might say that it's just "a part of growing up" but I think it's something different. I think our society breeds out creativity. We take people who love to move and, rather than turn them into dancers, we diagnose them with things like ADHD. The only reason that kids get so distracted is that.. well we've made so many distractions for them. When there was no real technology, you either did your work or you went out to play with friends. Now you have endless possibilities. You could work or you could play a game, watch television, go on the computer, text, watch a movie, the possibilities are nearly endless.

Overall, I have to agree with this man's video. I think parents and teachers could learn a lot from what he's saying.

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Grace B. said...

can I use that rotating sky thing in a story? I love it.

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