passive voice

passive voice

    Quiet was the mountains as the grass was shaken by the wind. Not a noise was heard other than the cawing that was from the bird. High in the sky was the sun and the mountains sparkled, their beauty was given away by how striking the sun made everything look. All at once the scene was destroyed when a boom was caused by a cloud overhead. Caws came from the birds and barks came from the animals below as rain came from the clouds. The trees were torn apart by the ferocious wind. Bolts of lightning were thrust down from the clouds and loud booms came from all over the valley. A lone tree was standing in the center, it seemed like the weather was not having an effect on it because it was remaining perfectly still. 
    Agh, so that's as much as I can even manage with the whole passive/active voice thing, maybe I'll do a whole blog post one day. I don't think it even made much (if any) sense. Ahhh well, happy mother's day. I apologize to mr. Sutherland for the late blog post. I couldn't type it up on friday because our internet has been going on and off and on and off and this weekend it decided to stay off. Luckily we got an electrician to fix it so no worries, it should stay fine for a pretty long time. On the downside, i don't have much to talk about; for once I've ran out of ranting topics! Wowee! I've decided to take a debate topic from my friend's class and use it.
    So her debate topic was something along the lines of making the legal drinking age higher or lower. Personally? I think it should stay exactly the same. The only people who want lowered only want it lowered so they can get drunk and do stupid shit. All I'm saying is that people who want it lowered probably drink alcohol anyway, making the legal drinking age lower would just allow them to do it legally. I understand this though, alcohol isn't good for you at all and I'm assuming that the younger you start drinking it, the worse of an effect it has on you. I understand people wanting to abolish the marijuana law or whatever because pot isn't as bad for you as smoking is. There are even little mechanisms that make it so that you get high without inhaling any smoke, I forget what it's call though so look it up. I dunno though, that's just my personal opinion. 
    Sutherland brought up a nifty subject today, privacy. I have a hand in both sides when it comes to privacy. I like being open with friends and such but I am SOOO private when it comes to my parents. I absolutely hate when my parents try to nose their way into my personal life. Why? I don't know, I think it's because with the embarrassing stuff I'd feel worse if they knew. That and I'd probably be living with them for the longest time (until college starts/) I don's understand why people put their personal information on FaceBook and such. One time I was on AIM and some girl had her personal phone number as her little status thing. Seriously how dumb can you be? I just don't understand it. I myself am not that afraid of 'online predators'. I mean I've met many of people from online and they're all extremely nice, I hate how overprotective my parents are about it, it makes me want to punch an infant.

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